International Conference on Psychology and Interdisciplinary Behavioral Studies 2022 – Universitas Pancasila
International Conference on Psychology and Interdisciplinary Behavioral Studies (ICP-IBS) “Recover Together Recover Stronger: Building Global Resiliency through Green Economy, Business Psychology and Digital Transformation”.

The Faculty of Psychology Universitas
Pancasila and Research Synergy Foundation (RSF) proudly invite all scholars,
students, researchers, and lecturers to participate in the ICP-IBS.
The virtual conference will be held on November 15-16, 2022
Deadline for ABSTRACT submission: October 1, 2022 Keynote Speaker
1. Prof. Dr. Ir. Siti Nurbaya, M.Sc (Minister of Environment and Forestry)
1. Prof. Dr. Severin Hornung (University of Innsbruck, Austria)
2. Dr. Stephen Benton, B,Sc., Ph.D., M.I.O.A., C.Sci., C.Psychol (Director of Business Psychology Center, University of Westminster London UK)
3. Dr-Phil. Hora Tjitra (Chairman & Co-Founder Insight Web Academy)
4. Prof. Dr. Stefan Kammhuber (Institut IKIK, Leiter IKIK, Leiter Fachgruppe KSGWR, Rapperswil, Switzerland)
5. Asst. Prof. Dr. Crendy Tan Yen Teng (Departement of Psychology, USCI University, Malaysia)
Registration Fee: 150 USD per paper
1. ALL accepted Abstract will be published in an electronic conference proceeding book with ISBN
2. ALL eligible accepted Papers have the opportunity to be published in a reputable international journal indexed by SCOPUS/WOS/DOAJ/Copernicus/Google Scholar/ Dimensions. *Terms & Conditions applied (selected by Scientific Editorial and Reviewer Committee).
2. More detail information on Publication Opportunity can be seen in the conference website
Registration link
For more details in paper submissions
+62811227479 / +628112331733 (Via Whatsapp)
All interested parties are welcome to
participate in this conference. Moreover, SCIENTIFIC OPPORTUNITY and PROJECT
will be offered ONLY for participants who join in the conference.
#ICPIBS #FacultyofPsychology #CallForPaper #InternationalConference #Psychology #PancasilaUniversity #PsikologiUP #FakultasPsikologiUniversitasPancasila #JurnalInternasional #KonferensiInternasional #UniversitasPancasila